Ben Bella Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ben Bella)


(1 - 4 von 25
) Ben-Bella-Propaganda. - DER SPIEGEL

Mitglieder der algerischen Befreiungsfront FLN fürchten, daß der sozialrevolutionäre Ben-Bella-Kurs in der Bundesrepublik als kommunistisch mißverstanden...

Former Algerian president dies at CNN
Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria's first president after the country became independent from France in 1962, has died at the age of 96, Algeria's ...

Ahmed Ben Bella | The Times
Ahmed Ben Bella was the first president of post-independence Algeria and a key figure in the history of Arab nationalism.

Algeria's first president Ahmed Ben Bella dies - BBC News
The first president of independent Algeria, Ahmed Ben Bella, dies at his home in Algiers after an illness, official media say.
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