Benny Powell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Benny Powell)


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Benny Powell | The Times
In recent years Benny Powell was the powerful, engaging trombone soloist in the band led by the globetrotting pianist Randy Weston.

Guardian: Benny Powell obituary | Jazz | The › music › jul

Universally admired as both performer and educator, the trombonist Benny Powell, who has died aged 80 following surgery, was best known ...

Jazzzeitung : geschichte, Mehr als „April In Paris“ – Benny...
Das Archiv der Jazzzeitung. Jazzeitung Ausgabe

Red Giant Entertainment Reports Hit Debut of New Graphic Novel Line...
"We had several clear goals with launching our Giant-Size line in this manner," stated Benny Powell, CEO, Red Giant Entertainment. "Obviously ...
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