Berthold Klinger Person-Info 

( Ich bin Berthold Klinger)


INTERNATIONAL: Wars of the Week - TIMETime Magazine
Berthold Klinger, a onetime German general, is supposed to be the military brains of the revolting Paulistas. Federal troops, who had recaptured about one ... Berthold Klinger, a onetime German general, is supposed to be the military brains of the revolting Paulistas. Federal troops, who had recaptured about one ...

Die Sudetendeutschen in Brasilien - Alte
... Übersetzer wissenschaftlicher und literarischer Werke, ist der aus einer Falkenauer Familie entstammende General Berthold Klinger hervorgetreten. AH : Übersetzer wissenschaftlicher und literarischer Werke, ist der aus einer Falkenauer Familie entstammende General Berthold Klinger hervorgetreten. AH :396.

The International Anti-War Congress.Marxists Internet Archive
led by a German adventurer, General Berthold Klinger. The insurgent movement has been given a decisive turn by the revolts in the governmental capital Rio ... led by a German adventurer, General Berthold Klinger. The insurgent movement has been given a decisive turn by the revolts in the governmental capital Rio ...
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