Big Erb Person-Info 

( Ich bin Big Erb)


House Appropriations Committee Begins Budget Hearing: UNM Newsroom
As you know, the big ERB battles occurred last session and over the summer, so there was blissfully little new to report. Goodwin noted that there is $10.7 billion in the fund, which is an all-time high. She also reviewed the NM Supreme Court's unanimous opinion last December that said the Legislature can ...

Character: Tarzan - Page 2 - Pulp Hero - HERO Games
Re: Character: Tarzan The movie Tarzan swung. The book Tarzan climbed date= leaped and ran through the treetops, only very occasionally swinging. Personally, I...

School me on Jesse Marsh Tarzan - Golden Age Comic Books - CGC Comic...
I'm a big ERB fan, but for me, a lot of Gold Age comics are hit or miss for me. I'm wondering some of you Jesse Marsh Tarzan fans and dissenters might be...
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