Biggest School Person-Info 

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Thousands of Los Angeles teachers are about to go on strike. What...
The country's second-biggest school district could see a mass exodus of teachers Monday when the Los Angeles teachers' union goes on ...

US school districts: Where the top ones stand with online and › health › us-school-districts-online-classroom-learning
· In the effort to balance health, jobs and quality education, the nation's biggest school districts are divided on how to teach students this ...

Tacoma teachers’ strike: Sides ‘far apart’ in state’s 4th-biggest...
Teacher strikes in Tacoma, Battle Ground, Centralia, and Tumwater have impacted more than 53,000 students combined, just under half of whom come from...

World’s biggest school with 45,000 pupils
AN Indian school with 45,000 pupils, 2,500 teachers and 1,000 classrooms has been named the world’s biggest by Guinness World Records. The City Montessori...
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