Bilal Salloum Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bilal Salloum)


Meet the White Helmets | CNN
Bilal Salloum, 29. Syrian Secret Service. "My whole village used to leave during the day and only come home at night to sleep. There was this ...

Líbano.- Fallece alcanzado por disparos un palestino radical en un...
Un palestino perteneciente a un grupo islamista radical ha fallecido esta mañana en un campo de refugiados...

Fox News team release
Bilal Salloum, 39, a member of the Asbat al-Ansar group, died instantly after being struck by four bullets in Ein el-Hilweh camp, Palestinian officials said ... › octob...

Energy: Hse Med summit in Florence, January - Italy -...
Energy: Hse Med summit in Florence, January, Key figures from companies and institutions will attendItaly, Ansa
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Person "Salloum" (1)
Vorname "Bilal" (2312)
Name "Salloum" (109)
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