Bislim Zyrapi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bislim Zyrapi)


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Kosovo PM resigns following Hague war crimes court › International › wireStory › kosov...
· Thaci said Friday that one of his advisers, Bislim Zyrapi, and other former top KLA commanders also were to be questioned at the Hague.

Kosovo PM resigns following summons from Hague war court - The Globe...
Former militia commander will continue in office on a caretaker basis but said he did not want to ‘go to the questioning as head of the government’

Kosovo PM resigns after being called to war crimes › kosovo-pm-resigns-being-call...
· ... several other former KLA officers were also summoned, including his advisor Bislim Zyrapi, wartime KLA's chief of staff.

Guardian: KLA fighting to the very end | World news | The Guardian

Serbian forces who have been holding the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army at bay yesterday shelled a broad swath of the frontier, in a last attempt to disrupt...
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