Board Passers Person-Info 

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Recruiter urges nursing studes to change course
[Journal Online] Commission gave board exams twice a year to an average of nurses each time. Even with the passing rate now down from a high of 45% to a low of 39%, the glut in jobless nursing graduates and board passers continue to swell. By : Jeffrey Tiangco.

Only 2 Davao nursing schools surpass passing rate
[Sun.Star] - SPC had 397 first-time board passers who passed and 34 failed. Eleven repeaters have also passed and 13 others failed. ADDU has 297 first-time takers who passed and 49 who failed, and out of 39 repeaters, 28 failed and only 11 passed.

Google News: New directions

[] - Because of the requirement of having worked in hospitals prior to becoming full-fledged nurses, nursing students, and even board passers, have to work for little or no pay at all to earn those precious hours of experience at both private and public

Caloocan fetes 23 CPA board passers - Manila Standard
Manila Standard | Defining The News
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