Bob Bachmeier Person-Info 

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Coding courses a rarity in California high schools despite tech › education › article
· “A lot of computer science is being taught but not necessarily in a specific computer science course,” said Bob Bachmeier, a Project Lead ...

Mouse River Journal July 15, 1981:  Page 9
Mouse River Journal Newspaper Archive Towner North Dakota; July Page 9. Topics include july, family, evening, anderson, visitors, visited, johnson,...

Mouse River Journal February 28, 1979:  Page 1
Mouse River Journal Newspaper Archive Towner North Dakota; February Page 1. Topics include mertz, towner, contest, senechal, march, wing, wildlife,...

City Aggrees To Change Name | AP News
· ``I think it's great,″ said Bob Bachmeier, the city's maintenance worker. ``It's always nice to get free money, right?″.
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Name "Bachmeier" (503)
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