Bob Jauch Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bob Jauch)


(1 - 4 von 37

Candidates put area back on political map
[Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] - Bob Jauch, a Democratic state senator whose northern district sprawls across the state's Lake Superior region, says that in a prospective Barrett-Walker

Doyle signs bills aimed at protecting children
[Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] - Bob Jauch (D-Poplar) said in a statement. Jauch, chairman of the Senate Committee on Children and Families, said: "During the past year we responded

Google News: Senator: Challenge Center will stay open in Superior

[] - State Senator Bob Jauch and State Representative Nick Milroy say there's no way the state is pulling the plug on vocational services for people with

Economy complicates incinerator funding
[Chetek Alert] - Bob Jauch, Rep. Mary Hubler and Gov. Jim Doyle, but so far he has heard no response. Zeltner said renewable energy is currently selling for the same price
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