Bodo Scheller Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bodo Scheller)


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Lithuanian Pilots Will Circle The Baltic Sea In LSA'sAero-News Network
— Joining the team are Flight Design pilots Siegmar Sprenger and Bodo Scheller, Siegmar famous for his flight from Europe to the United States ...

Opel Corsa Twinport - Die aktuellen Angebote Opel Autos.
Opel Corsa Twinport - Airbag Fahrer Beifahrerseite abschaltbar, ABS, Außenspiegel elektrisch verstellbar, Bremsassistent, Bremsscheiben vorne innenbelüftet,....

Wokół Bałtyku - Altair Agencja › news › view
· Oprócz 10 obywateli Litwy, w samolotach zasiądą również dwaj Niemcy, piloci fabryczni Flight Design: Siegmar Springer i Bodo Scheller.

Lithuanian Pilots Will Circle The Baltic Sea In LSA's | Aero-News...
7 Countries To Be Visited Six Lithuanian pilots have begun a week-long trip around the Baltic Sea in six Flight Design CT aircraft. All six pilots be|...
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