British Pound Person-Info 

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Google News: Fiscal cliff aversion creates final performance boost for hedge funds

[Opalesque] - Hedge Fund Research writes: "The US dollar rose sharply against the Japanese Yen following Japanese elections and in anticipation of additional BoJ stimulus, while the US dollar fell against the Euro and British Pound on favourable mid-December

Google News: HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index gains +0.75% through mid-December (

[Opalesque] - The Euro and British Pound gained against the US dollar on positive developments with regard to European bank risk oversight framework, however the Japanese Yen fell against the US dollar following Japanese elections and in expectation of additional

British pound: Brexit fears are back and sterling is paying the price...
Political turmoil over Brexit has sent the pound plummeting close to its lowest level this year.

British Pound - news latest, breaking updates and headlines today -...
All the latest breaking news, headlines, analysis and articles on British Pound from the Evening Standard
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu British Pound
Vorname "British" (171)
Name "Pound" (28)
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