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[Boston Globe] - But Bryan Garner, in “Garner's Modern American Usage,” labels it “dialectal,” and he doesn't mean that in a neutral way. In the forthcoming third edition of

Vive la difference
[Boston Globe] - Another 19th century writer, Charles Mackay, claimed suds was based on the Gaelic saod, meaning “state, condition.” Suds's origins are still not absolutely

[Boston Globe] - (But no transparency: that was left to Bryan Garner, who put it on his vogue-word list in Garner's Modern American Usage, along with downsize, proactive

Lexicographer (and Scalia co-author) joins plaintiffs' team in › article
· Bryan Garner – the Black's Law Dictionary editor, legal writing consultant and, with Justice Scalia, author of Reading Law – has joined the ...
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