Bujar Hoxha Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bujar Hoxha)


(1 - 4 von 12

Global Pandemic: Lebanon’s Economy Being Destroyed by COVID-19 | FOX...

Lebanon's economy is being devastated by the COVID-19 outbreak and other humanitarian disasters. Tens of thousands of Lebanese have lost comfortable jobs and...

About Bujar Hoxha: Albán professzor | Biography, Facts, Career, Wiki,...

Bujar Hoxha: Albán professzor, From: Albania | Biography, Facts, Career, Wiki, Life | News

Bujar Hoxha: Dashuria në dimensione të larta

Libri më i ri i autorit të njohur, Remzi Limani, lexohet me një frymë. Sigurisht që shumëkush mud të mendoj se dashuria është temë universale dhe e trajtuar...


"Die Rückführung serbischer Minderheiten in das Kosovo braucht Zeit, um zu gelingen", sagt Bujar Hoxha, Projektleiter der Hilfsorganisation CARE im Pristina. "Kriegstraumen und Mißtrauen sitzen bei beiden Völkern immer noch zu tief, um problemlos wieder Tür an Tür zu leben.
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