Burak Salgin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Burak Salgin)


Summer - The Royal Tennis Court

David Mills and Burak Salgin and I began to hear ominous chantings (or was that my imagination?). The. Cambridge pair were favoured on ...

RealTools.biz - Tournaments and Pennants for Real Tennis, Jeu de...

Cambridge University 1. Scott Blaber / James Watson / Peter Paterson / Burak Salgin. Default court [Cambridge Blue]. MCC 1. William Maltby / Mark Mathias ...

Millfield student overcomes autism to pursue dream medical careerwww.millfieldschool.com › news › latest-news › post

· ... experience placement with a former Millfield student Burak Salgin, who is a Neonatal Intensive Care Doctor at The Royal London Hospital.
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