Caitlin Syme Person-Info 

( Ich bin Caitlin Syme)


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'Ammonite' and 5 other works about women overlooked by history - CNN...
· ... said Caitlin Syme, a paleontologist who works at the Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist in Australia, who wrote about the movie ...

New light on mystery 'bird' Archaeopteryx | The Daily Star
Could Archaeopteryx really fly? Photo taken from BBC Is it a bird? Is it a dinosaur? Or something in between? The feathered limbs of Archaeopteryx have...

Ammonite: the remarkable real science of Mary Anning and her fossils...
Ammonite takes liberties with the facts and is somewhat lumbering and poorly paced.

globo: Como se tornar um fóssil após a morte | Ciência e Saúde | G1

Menos de um décimo do 1% de todas as espécies que já viveram se tornaram fósseis. Mas há formas de aumentar suas chances de ficar para a 'eternidade'.
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