Carina Ray Person-Info 

( Ich bin Carina Ray)


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Carina Ray | - IdeasTime Magazine
— Ray is the co-editor of Darfur and the Crisis of Governance in Sudan: A Critical Reader. Carina Ray. Carina Ray is assistant professor of ...

Carina Ray Brings Ghana Expertise to BBC Television ShowFordham University
— In a recent blog post for Oxford University Press, Carina Ray writes: As an Africanist historian committed to reaching broader publics, I was ...

Libyen: Gaddafi und der Mythos der afrikanischen Söldner | PRO ASYL
Huffington Post analysiert Carina Ray, warum die Ansicht so verbreitet ist, dass Gaddafi zur Niederschlagung der Revolution massenweise afrikanische Söldner...

Join a Discussion with Dr. Carina RayUdadisi
— This event has passed. ×. Join a Discussion with Dr. Carina Ray. March 21, @ 12:
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