Carla Tameling Person-Info 

( Ich bin Carla Tameling)


Evotec Releases SaaS Pan-Omic Data Analysis Platform
— “Pan-omics datasets, they are really hard to handle for a non-coding person,” Carla Tameling, head of sales and applications for Evotec, ... › news

Optimal Transport, Topological Data Analysis and ...
... the combinatorial nature and the concept of degeneracy inherent in linear programming. This is joint work with Carla Tameling, Axel Munk and Yoav Zemel. › events › opti...

EuroBioC Conference - Cyprotex
— Attendees: Florian Tegeler, Erik Schliep, Carla Tameling. Evotec will be sponsoring the European Bioconductor Conference 2022, ... › euro-b...
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