Carlos Eduardo Vilela Fernandes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Carlos Eduardo Vilela Fernandes)


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Começa roçagem nos parques de Apucarana
[TNonline] nesta, iniciamos a roçagem no Parque Jaboti, ação que deve ir até terça-feira”, informa João Carlos Fernandes, secretário da pasta.

Olhanense make Benfica fight all the way
[The Portugal News] - Mexer partnered Jardel at the back with Carlos Fernandes, Cadu and Fernando Alexandre filling the midfield positions. Paulo Sérgio, who has had an excellent

Google News: Nuno Piloto prepara regresso

[Record] - Delson (rotura de ligamentos), Vinicius (rotura muscular) e Carlos Fernandes (entorse no tornozelo direito) são os restantes elementos entregues aos

The following dispositions were recorded in District Court:
[Fall River Herald News] - Carlos Fernandes-Mendes, 23, of Sunset Hill, agreed to pay $100 in court costs. The charged of driving an uninsured car was dismissed.
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