Carsten Gring Person-Info 

( Ich bin Carsten Gring)


BBC News | TALKING POINT | Workplace stress: Are you suffering?
About 500,000 people are believed to be suffering from work-related stress or depression in the UK - and they take 6.5 million days off sick every year. How is...

TALKING POINT | SDLP leader John Hume's political legacy? › talking_point
· ... for doing absolutely nothing to reach out to the Unionist community, his fellow Irishmen. Some legacy. Carsten Gring, UK (ex-Germany) ...

BBC News | TALKING POINT | SDLP leader John Hume's political legacy?
John Hume has announced that he is standing down as leader of the SDLP. What contribution do you feel that he has made to political life in Northern Ireland?

Leserumfrage: Die besten Comics – was Fans empfehlen
— Carsten Gring. Meine beiden Lieblingscomics waren: 1.) Pascal Bresson und Sylvain Dorange – „Beate & Serge Klarsfeld. › Kultur › Comics
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