Catharina Hagberg Person-Info 

( Ich bin Catharina Hagberg)


(1 - 4 von 18

FE Investegate |East Capital Explorer AB Announcements | East Capital...
FE Investegate announcements from East Capital Explorer AB, Lena Krauss appointed new CFO at East Capital E...

Changed fee structure for East Capital Explorer's investments -...
East Capital Explorer AB and its investment manager East Capital have agreed to change a number of terms in their current fee structure. The changes mean…

East Capital Explorer slår ifrån sig kritiken | SvD
Aktiespararen går i det senaste numret till hård attack mot East Capital Explorer. Tidningen anser att affärsidén havererat och att bolaget bör likvideras. Vd...

East Capital Explorer AB: Lena Krauss appointed new CFO at East...
I would also like to thank Mathias for his appreciated contributions since and not least Catharina Hagberg for taking on the responsibility as CEO during this ...
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