Charlie Chalmers Person-Info 

( Ich bin Charlie Chalmers)


(1 - 4 von 5

Abandoned baby finds family after 60 years - BBC News
· Tommy's father, Charlie Chalmers, had three young sons with his wife in Aberdeenshire before he went to work in the English Midlands in the ...

Wild horses spoiling Utopia - ABC News
· Neighboring pastoralist Charlie Chalmers, from MacDonald Downs Station, has worked on musters with the Land Council.

Was Aubrey Chalmers the only teenager at the Central American...
· A former member of Christ Church Secondary School where the legendary Hewley Harry taught, Aubrey Charlie Chalmers entry to the Sport of ...

North-east family 'reunited' with brother they never knew they had -...
· The siblings share the same father, Charlie Chalmers, who left the family home in the 1950s to work in England before returning to Aberdeenshire ...
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