Chloe Sita Maria Barton Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chloe Sita Maria Barton)


(1 - 4 von 8

'I don't want to give up my career to be a parent' - BBC News
The women taking to the streets to campaign for better rights for UK working mothers.

Schoolgirl forced to miss GCSE exam because teachers said her...
Chloe Barton, from Nottingham, was put into isolation for two days at Top Valley Academy, where dozens of pupils have been threatened with expulsion for...

BBC Radio Gloucestershire - Cherry and White Wednesday, Stephen...
Hear from Stephen Vaughan plus Chloe Barton, Lauren Graham & Charlie Hetherington.

Mum refuses to pay truancy fine for 'bullied' daughter too...
Teenager Chloe Connor says bullying stops her attending school but her mum is being dragged through courts due to her 'unacceptable' attendance
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