Chris Kröger Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chris Kröger)


(1 - 4 von 69

Sabre ramps up online travel battle with American | The Seattle...
American Airlines was already in a fight with two relatively small online ticket sellers when on Wednesday it found itself in the ring with an 800-pound...

Aron Baynes on Tommy Heinsohn’s puzzling comments: ‘The Missus got a... — Chris Kroeger (@Kroeger) October 3, ...

Airlines target ticket distribution costs - Reuters
A feud between American Airlines and several companies that sell its tickets shows new determination by airlines to lower costs and could spell new business...

Expedia aims to transform travel without crossing the 'creepy line'
A new report foresees a world where travellers 'glide uninterrupted through airports' but asks whether this will need travellers to disclose too much...
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