Christian Mauder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Mauder)


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Christian Mauder - “Courtly Identities in Mamluk Egypt: Law, Gender,...
— November 26, Christian Mauder University of Leipzig & IAS “Courtly Identities in Mamluk Egypt: Law, Gender, and Theology in the majālis ... › events

Expectations of justice and political Universiteit Leiden
... Najam Haider, Angela Isoldi, Büşra Kaya, Noëmie Lucas, Taryn Marashi, Christian Mauder, Aseel Najib, Marta Novo, Rana Osman, Marina Rustow, Deborah Tor. › ...

Expectations of justice and political power in the Islamicate world (ca › events › event
CHRISTIAN MAUDER (University of Bergen) Taxes, Advice Literature, and the Sultan's Wrath: Emotional History and Competing Notions of Just Rule at the ...

Siempre Chili! - FALTER
Eigentlich, so verrät Christian Maurer, wollte Othmar Kaden ja wieder ein Bierlokal machen. Drei hat er nämlich schon, den
Dossier exportieren