Christian Sahner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Sahner)


(1 - 4 von 23

New generation ponders debate - Washington Times
Princeton University student Christian Sahner yesterday stood next to a black and orange pro-life banner on the Mall, a striking symbol of what some say is a...

The Arab world's vanishing Christians - The Globe and › article
Christian Sahner. Contributed to The Globe and Mail. Published December 23, This article was published more than 6 years ago.

Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies : Seminars : Professor...
Christian Sahner is associate professor of Islamic History at the University of Oxford. He is principally interested in the transition from Late Antiquity to the Islamic ...

Gerhard Salg macht fünf Jahre weiter - Rheinfelden - Badische Zeitung
138 von 165 Feuerwehrleuten stimmen in geheimer Wahl für den Kommandanten der Gesamtwehr / Zahl der Einsätze gestiegen. RHEINFELDEN. Die Wiederwahl von...
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