Christine Griffin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christine Griffin)


(1 - 4 von 25
) Anti-Alkohol-Werbung wirkt kontraproduktiv | Telepolis

Wissenschaftler fanden heraus, dass Saufexzesse bei britischen Jugendlichen das Sozialprestige steigern

CHRISTINE GRIFFIN - Death - Eastern Daily Press Announcements -...
CHRISTINE GRIFFIN: GRIFFIN CHRISTINE Passed away at Felmingham Old Rectory on February 8th, aged 69 years. Much-loved wife, mother and grandmother. She will be...

Shirley Christine GRIFFIN - Oxford Mail
GRIFFIN Shirley Christine Late of Radley and Kennington. Passed away peacefully in hospital after a short illness on 14th December 2018, aged 84.…

BBC NEWS | Health | Warning on anti-drinking adverts
Some anti-drinking advertising campaigns may backfire by inadvertently glamorising the habit, say researchers.
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