Christine McFarlane Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christine McFarlane)


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Guardian: Stoke Mandeville hospital ‘still putting children at risk’ | Media |...

Independent study of Buckinghamshire hospital’s child protection policy criticises it as ‘vague’ on eve of Savile reports

Savile boasted of sleeping with nurses in his hospital room
Jimmy Savile boasted that he slept with nurses in a hospital where he abused sick and disabled patients, one of his victims claimed last night.

Guardian: Jimmy Savile scandal: doctors were afraid to tackle BBC star over...

Amid fresh revelations, NatWest bank announces it has frozen Savile's £4.3m estate to allow for damages claims
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Christine McFarlane
Jimmy Savile
Vorname "Christine" (53663)
Name "Mcfarlane" (278)
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