Christine Opper Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christine Opper)


Opinion: Arising from the ashes - The Globe and Mail
As townsfolk battle the inferno, neighbours offer aid and comfort. But why hasn't the rest of Canada pitched in? demands broadcaster LORNA DUECK

Plasma Spectrochemists came together in Münster, February ,
More than 700 scientists from 45 countries joined Februray in Münster for discussing the progress in analytical methodologies using plasma sources.

Pannoneum Neusiedl am See
Hier das Dankschreiben zum Abschluss bzw. die Einreichung des Endberichtes zum CSI: TRACE your FOOD!

Press-Republican—Saturday, becember 28, Exit
year-old Thomas Roemischer, 15-year-old Kathleen Desjardins. and Christine Opper were treated at the Elizabethtown hospital for minor injuries. All were ...
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