Christoph Müssel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christoph Müssel)

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... include into R projects (with Christoph Muessel) (--rcode) * fixed 'undefined' + 'ptrdiff_' issues (thanks to Christoph Muessel) * added 'picosat_set_interrupt' ...

What Notre Dame is made of | Stories | Notre Dame Magazine |...
Salvaged brick from the university's earliest days helps rebuild the campus.

What Notre Dame is made of | News | Notre Dame News | University of...
And when that portion of South Bend's landmark Drewry's Brewery that Christoph Muessel had built with Notre Dame brick in came down in February this year, Polotto got another phone call. His attic full, he turned this offer down. Two weeks later, he got the order to prepare for the restoration of Badin ...
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