Ciara Hassan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ciara Hassan)


(1 - 4 von 7

Business Cloud Summit: HR director highlights HR Cloud applications |...
A panel of three very different businesses spoke about their implementation of Cloud applications for business critical processes, including a human reso

HR Magazine - Hotel group aligns skills and training with business...
The Lancaster Landmark Hotel Group is set to improve its talent management, training, career succession and employee performance functions to bring them into...

Hospitality jobs amongst worst hit by recession - The Caterer
Hospitality has been one of the worst hit sectors by the recession with jobs being cut in each of the past nine months and the number of...

Lancaster Landmark Hotel Group Selects SuccessFactors to Help Create...
SuccessFactors to Facilitate Collaboration Across 750 Staff Within the Group, Provide Better Insight into Internal Talent and Succession, and Link Train...
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Person "Hassan" (6)
Vorname "Ciara" (665)
Name "Hassan" (2542)
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