Claire Moffatt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claire Moffatt)


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'Ugliest woman in the world' happy to win tongue-in-cheek prize |...
Claire Moffatt has been crowned queen of the gurners, after pulling some of the most hideous expressions she could muster.

Egremont Crab Fair All the week’s results | Whitehaven News
CRAB FAIR QUEEN1: Rhianne Downton6KM MULTI TERRAIN RACE FOR SENIORS3KM MULTI TERRAIN RACE FOR JUNIORS1 male: Tom Wright, age 12, 10 min 50 sec; 2…

Female High Performance Squad Announced - AFL Mackay - SportsTG
Female High Performance Squad Announced - AFL Mackay - SportsTG, fixtures, results, ladders, statistics, news and events for the AFL Mackay, on SportsTG, the...

Female High Performance Squad Announced - AFL Mackay - GameDay
Female High Performance Squad Announced - AFL Mackay - GameDay, fixtures, results, ladders, statistics, news and events for the AFL Mackay, on GameDay, the...
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