Claudia Belchior Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claudia Belchior)


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Cláudia Belchior passa a presidir Teatro Nacional D. Maria
... do Teatro Nacional D. Maria II (TNDM), em Lisboa. LUSA. 23 Junho — 21:26. Cláudia Belchior passa a presidir Teatro Nacional D. Maria II.

The show may go on as Portugal's theatres, cinemas ...Reuters
— Claudia Belchior, chairwoman at the D. Maria II, another prestigious Lisbon theatre, said the cast needed until September to prepare a new ...

globo: Brasileira radicada na Itália cria 'sambaterapia' para

— A carioca Claudia Belchior, de 54 anos, que há 28 trocou a Vila Kennedy por Milão, na Itália desenvolveu a Sambaterapia Foto: Carlo ...

The show may go on as Portugal's theatres, cinemas reopen warily |...
Portugal's theatres, cinemas and other cultural venues got the go-ahead to reopen on Monday as the country entered the third phase of its exit from lockdown -...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Claudia Belchior
Isabelle Duner
Vorname "Claudia" (71176)
Name "Belchior" (27)
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