Claudia Hocke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claudia Hocke)


Nachricht aus der Kirchengemeinde FlemhudeSILO of research documents
Claudia Hocke. Dienstag – Uhr. Gemeindehaus Flemhude. Krabbelgruppe. Sonja Wiktor. Donnerstag – Uhr.

Jobs fair gets start-ups and students connected
Dubstarts is designed to connect willing students and graduates with the best start-ups and has proved a runaway success so far…

NCI's Final Year Project Showcase Highlights Student Talent and...
Claudia Hocke is in her final year of the BSc. (Hons) in Business Information Systems at NCI. Her application, called Reperio, aims to help ...
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Person "Hocke" (3)
Vorname "Claudia" (71176)
Name "Hocke" (548)
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