Claus Burst Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claus Burst)


(1 - 4 von 12

BBC NEWS | Americas | 'Santa' gunman in fatal US attack
Police in California say a man dressed as Santa Claus burst into a house and opened fire on guests at a Christmas Eve party.

Parents shocked as Santa has meltdown in front of › parents-horrified-santa-meltdo...
· Parents are outraged and demanding answers after a man dressed as Santa Claus burst into a children's music event and started swearing at ...

Guardian: Man dressed as Santa kills nine at party | US news | The › world › dec › santa-shootin...

· ... Christmas Eve, when a man dressed as Santa Claus burst into a party, shot dead revellers and set fire to the house before shooting himself.

Page 3 — Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 28 December › ...
... and a cracking of whips Santa Claus burst into the room, greeted with three rousing cheers from the children, Carl Scott acting as impresario tf enthusiasm.
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