Colin Waggett Person-Info 

( Ich bin Colin Waggett)


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Bei Fitness First wird die Luft knapp
[Welt Online] - Vorstandschef Colin Waggett, Aufsichtsratschef Stefano Quadrio Curzio sowie drei weitere Führungskräfte mussten gehen. Stattdessen schickte der Eigentümer mit Andrew Newington einen seiner Partner als Aufsichtsratschef. Das operative Geschäft übernimmt

Gyms have to shape up or be carried out in box | The Sunday Times
WORK was going well for Colin Waggett last August. Together with his colleague Duncan Tatton-Brown, the pair had been touring Asia to meet ...

Landmark Group Acquires MENA Franchise of Fitness First | Al Bawaba
100% buyout of business from Alhokiar.

Cross training: Why you should be doing three different types ...
So says Colin Waggett, CEO of ultra-chic health club Third Space, the Soho House of gyms, which has just opened its new cross-training studio ...
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