College Board Person-Info 

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College Board says there will be a digital SAT this fall if › › digital-sat-coronavirus-college-board
"As with at-home AP Exams, the College Board would ensure that at-home SAT testing is simple; secure and fair; accessible to all; and valid for ...

New AP U.S. History standards from College Board - CNN
(CNN) The College Board released its new Advanced Placement U.S. History teaching guidelines Thursday, following a year in which the ...

The College Board wants to cut thousands of years from its AP World...
Now, the College Board -- the company that owns the AP program -- is offering a compromise: it's going to figure out a way to start "several ...

College Board modifies controversial SAT adversity score
College Board modifies controversial SAT 'adversity score' after criticism. Adversity rating is no longer a single score, and publicly available ...
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