Cristina Sanfilippo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cristina Sanfilippo)


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Back to back wins for Ireland
Ireland's Women rounded off the Six Nations championship with a defeat of Italy in Rome on Saturday, securing back-to-back victories in the tournament...

Atletica Livorno, le Cadette subito in luce al Martelli Il Tirreno
Prima giornata dei regionali di società e arrivano subito ottimi risultati In evidenza le velociste, la Bonfitto nei lanci e la Guarducci negli ostacoli - Help finding Giovanna Fradella and Raimondo...
Hi again. Using DNA I've figured out that one set of my great grandfathers grandparents are Raimondo Imbro 1832–1887 and Giovanna Fradella 1851–?. I am trying...

Auszubildende zu "Zukunft bilden" - Braunschweiger Zeitung
6. Oktober 2011
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