Dan Mandl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dan Mandl)


NASA Testing Sensors To Boost Satellite Autonomy ...spacenews.com › nasa-testing-sens...

Dan Mandl, a senior engineer and technologist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight center in Greenbelt, Md., teamed with University of Maryland, ...

Mini-antena deverá substituir estações terrestres de recepção

Utilizando PVC, papel-alumínio e fios de cobre, cientistas construíram um novo tipo de antena que deverá substituir as gigantescas estações terrestres de...

NASA Spacecraft Detects Volcanic Activity In Antarctica

said Dan Mandl, the Earth Observing-1 Mission Director at Goddard. Future versions may be used to track dust storms on Mars, search for ice ...

Adaptive array network could improve access to NASA's Earth observing...

... cell phones to make calls, there are no moving parts on the antennas," noted Dan Mandl, ... NASA: Dan Mandl ( ); E-mail: (.gov) ...
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