Dan Picard Person-Info 

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Radio-Canada | Régions | Nouvelles

La fonderie Kidd Creek à Timmins va bientôt reprendre à son rythme de production ... Le directeur général de l'usine, Dan Picard, a indiqué que la compagnie cherche ...

Backlash after councilman asks city to ignore drug overdose calls -...

"We need to put a fear about overdosing​ in Middletown,"City Council member Dan Picard said

Middletown, Ohio, councilman stuns with thoughts on opioid overdose

Let people overdosing die. That was the jarring message from Middletown City Councilman Dan Picard.

Ohio city councilman: Cut off Narcan after 2 overdoses | Daily Mail...

Dan Picard made the half-serious proposal at a June 20 meeting of the Middletown, Ohio city council, after hearing the city was set to spend ten times its...
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Person "Picard" (3)
Vorname "Dan" (10726)
Name "Picard" (664)
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