Daniel Held Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniel Held)


(1 - 4 von 41

10 Years of Impact: Daniel Held, UJA Federation of Greater ...Rosov Consulting, LLC.

10 Years of Impact: Daniel Held, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. January 31, | News. Rosov Consulting is concluding its celebration of its ten-year ...

Daniel Bregman joins Synonym as General Counsel and ...Synonym Bio

— Prior to Impossible, Daniel held senior roles at vertical farming startup Plenty, as well as Cypress Creek Renewables, where he worked on ...

Daniel Held | Profil | t3n Pioneers Network

Daniel Held arbeitet als Freier Online-Redakteur & Journalist bei Heldentexte in Köln. Schau dir das Profil im t3n Pioneers Network an!

Bechtle akquiriert 3D-CAD-Spezialisten Coffee, Bechtle,...

Bechtle, CAD-Geschäft erneut ausgebaut Marktpositionierung als größter SOLIDWORKS-Partner in Europa weiter gefestigt Sechste CAD…
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