Daniele Cafiso Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniele Cafiso)


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Live From the Star Princess Hawaii R/T November 4, Page

Ship's Officers: Michele Tuvo - Captain. Marco Cataldi - Staff Captain. Raffaele Pollio - Chief Engineer. Daniele Cafiso - Hotel General Manager.

Here Is The Officers Schedule For July Princess Cruises -...

Hi everyone! I've just recieved the senior officers schedule for July - please let me know which ship you would like the schedule for and I'll post it for you....

Live from the Ocean Princess Land of the Midnight Sun June

Cheating a little here - we will be 'live' tomorrow, but thought I'd start this up from the lovely Intercontinental Park Lane in London. We'll leave here...

Schramberg: 54 Schüler erhalten Fachhochschulreife - Schramberg &...

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Name "Cafiso" (27)
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