Dave Hemingway Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dave Hemingway)


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Spiegel.de: Hemingway-Doppelgänger namens Hemingway - DER SPIEGEL

In Key West hat eine Jury den Mann gesucht, der Schriftsteller Ernest Hemingway am ähnlichsten sieht. Der Gewinner heißt: Dave Hemingway.

Ernest Hemingway look-alike contest won by Hemingway (no relation) -...

For the first time in its 36-year history, a Hemingway has won a competition seeking the man who most looks like literary giant Ernest Hemingway.

For first time a Hemingway wins Hemingway look-alike contest ...www.startribune.com › hemingwa...

Dave Hemingway was named the winner of the "Papa" Hemingway Look-Alike Contest on Saturday in Key West, Florida. The winner said he is ...

South Still Beautiful - Dave Hemingway Interview | South Wales Argus

25 years after the formation ofThe Beautiful South, several members of the band have reunited and are touring once again asThe South. ANDY HOWELLS…
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