David Alberg Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Alberg)


(1 - 4 von 15

Spiegel.de: U-Boot-Wracks vor US-Küste: Tauchgang zu Hitlers Torpedo-Falle - DER...

Vor der US-Ostküste lauerte eine tödliche Gefahr: Deutsche U-Boote schossen binnen weniger Wochen Hunderte Schiffe auf den Meeresgrund. Jetzt soll das...

2 USS Monitor sailors to be interred at Arlington | The Seattle...

The remains of two unknown Union sailors recovered from the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor will be interred in Arlington National Cemetery on March 8, Navy...

Civil War Sailors From USS Monitor Buried at Arlington - ABC News

Two unidentified sailors from the USS Monitor are set to be buried at Friday in Arlington National Cemetery on the 151th anniversary of ironclad's famous...

NOAA releases final plan for managing and protecting Monitor Marine...

“The sanctuary protects an important part of our country’s history,” said David Alberg, sanctuary superintendent.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu David Alberg
Alexander Alberg
Vorname "David" (65431)
Name "Alberg" (119)
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