David Boerner Person-Info 

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[Schwäbische Zeitung] - Erfolgreich (von links): Der Lindauer Schachnachwuchs mit Yannick Wyss, Robert Finkous, David Börner und Oliver Omert. (Foto: pr) Lindau / gs Besser konnte es nicht laufen: Im Vierer-Pokal ist dem Schachklub Lindau der Durchmarsch ins Finale gelungen.

DAVID E. BOERNER - Obituaries - Pittsburgh Post-GazettePittsburgh Post-Gazette

— Loving uncle of JoAnna DiGorio, Dennis Boerner, David Boerner, Patti Hanlon, Chris Spitler, Alfred Boerner and Adrian Boerner. Also survived ...

Washington Court NewsWashington State Courts (.gov)

Seattle University School of Law Professor David Boerner will chair the task force. Often referred to as the 'speedy trial' rule, criminal rules Cr R3.3 and ... Seattle University School of Law Professor David Boerner will chair the task force. Often referred to as the 'speedy trial' rule, criminal rules Cr R3.3 and ...

Seattle Police Chief O’Toole asks for review of photo practices at...

Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole has asked the city’s police-intelligence auditor to review the department’s photographic practices in...
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