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Taz: RADSPORT: Ärger um Landis - taz.de

"Floyd Landis eine Bühne für seine Tiraden zu bieten, das wollen die WM-Veranstalter nicht", sagte Mediendirektor David Culbert.

Disgraced cyclist Landis to speak at anti-doping conference for ...nationalpost.com › sports › disgraced-cyclist-landis-t...

· ... and continue on is not something we can be party to in any way, shape or form,​” David Culbert, a spokesman for the committee, told Reuters.

David Culbert slams the AFL’s decision to let James Hird present the...

DAVID Culbert has condemned the AFL's decision to offer James Hird the opportunity to present this year's Norm Smith Medal, labelling it “a disgrace.”

Landis invitation irks world champs organisers | Reuters

Organisers of the road cycling world championships in Melbourne have slammed a decision to invite disgraced American cyclist Floyd Landis to speak at a...
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