David Philips Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Philips)


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England Central retain UK School Games title

[The home of swimming] - The Scotland South East swimmer touched ahead of En gland Central's David Philips and Ireland's Connor Turner. Jacob Parker (S14, England Central) took gold

Rescue helicopter shifts base

[Manawatu Standard] - Philips Search and Rescue Trust secretary David Wickham said the service would return to the hospital pad if the exemption was granted.

Google News: Le Canada pourrait connaître son année la plus chaude

[Cyberpresse] - La température a été de 3,5°C supérieure à la normale pendant les six premiers mois de l'année, a révélé David Philips, d'Environnement Canada.

Dari Diskusi dan Peluncuran Buku "Sosok dan Kiprah Profesional Makassar"

[Fajar] David Gozal (direktur CV Mandiri Antarnusa Niaga), Sutrayanti (distribution manager Home Decoratif Conslum East 1 PT Philips Indonesia), serta Operation
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