David Summa Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Summa)


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Cavidi with new financial strength is getting ready to fill an...

Cavidi was pleased to announce recently that we have closed a new financing round and gained a new strong long-term owner in Impilo. The combination of...

Property transfers for the week of Jan. 23, | Times Leader

The following real estate transactions have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of the Recorder of Deeds for the week of Jan. 23, 2017…

Dittgen-Gruppe begrüßt neue Azubis

Schmelz. Mit Beginn des neuen Ausbildungsjahres starten bei der Dittgen-Gruppe in Schmelz zwölf neue Auszubildende in acht verschiedenen Berufen in ihr...

The Neurotechnology Industry Conference 2006

Steven Gerrish. Director of Business Development. Purdue Research Foundation. Karoly Nikolich, PhD. Executive Director. Neuroscience Institute at Stanford ...
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