Dean Davies Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dean Davies)


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Lake Albert continues its charge
[Daily Advertiser] - "In the one-day comp, it's a bonus if we get there," Scott said. "If we keep going the way we're going we might be a chance but it's probably out of reach.

Beloit College rated a 'best value'
[Beloit Daily News] - Ann Davies, dean of the college and vice president of academic affairs said she was happy to see that the college was receiving positive attention

RC44: Team Austria zeigte beim Sea Dubai Gold Cup die beste Leistung der Saison
[Yacht Revue] Taktik-Zampano Ray Davies, der damit Landsmann Dean Barker (Artemis) und das slowenische Ceeref-Team um Sebastien Col auf die Plätze verwies.

Elder Dean Davies, 69, dies of cancer after almost a ...Church News
— 5, 1951, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Oliver and Myra Davies, young Dean Davies grew up in a loving home, learning the joys of hard work and ...
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