Deniz Özhan Person-Info 

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Doktor Adaylarından İlk Yardım Dersi - Haber
Doktor Adaylarından İlk Yardım Dersi KOÜ Tıp Fakültesi 1. Sınıf öğrencileri, KO-MEK kursiyerlerine ilk yardım eğitimi verdi

Presentation by ITT at the Energy Systems Conference in London | ITT...
May 19, · The paper, which was developed by Dr. Mohammad Al-Saidi (ITT) and contributed to by two students from ITT master programs, Andres Jimenez (ENREM) and Deniz Özhan (REM), had the opportunity to be held as an oral presentation at the conference in the energy and other systems session.
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